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Kenya, Africa -- Missions - Page 2
Pastor Harrison Okello
Bringing the gospel to the lost and hurting in Africa and across the nation, holding Crusades and Revivals and preaching the word of God... Where they celebrate the love of Jesus Christ...
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These great servants of God from Kenya are Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, along with teaching about our gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ, who died so we could live eternally through Him...Their numbers grow everyday in Africa, as the Kingdom of God expands through them. As the numbers of new believers grow everyday, we pray that they continue to seek and grow in their relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.. At times funds are limited and resources can be difficult to find...Along with taking care of, feeding and housing many Orphans, we ask that you pray fervently for the people in Africa that God will show them favor, and bless them richly...
Reaching the lost and preaching the good news of Jesus Christ not only takes money, but resources such as tracks, bibles, study materials, books, and anything else that will help believers grow in their walk and relationship with Jesus.. Jesus is our bridge to the Father, and our only way to reach the gates of Heaven and eternal life... If you feel led to help in any of these areas, or you have bibles or learning materials not being used.. please contact me, Rev. Art Crider at Critter ministries, (620-923-5509), so I can make sure they get to the correct people... God Bless and thank you as you pray on this matter.... .