Call or Text us: 620-923-5509
"Therefore, if anyone be in Christ, he is a New Creature: Old things passed away; behold All Things become New." 2 Cor 5:17 (KJV)
Welcome to Critter Ministries
We are a Ministry of HELPS. An Evangelistic Outreach Ministry, Helping People through the Love of Christ in time of Need. (Food, Clothing, Shelter, Repairs, Medical needs, Prayer....). We are a non-profit, Spirit filled organization that is non judgemental, with a heart for reaching the lost, helping those in need and teaching God's word in an easy to understand way that applies to everyday life. If you need help or know of anyone in a time of need, please contact us.
Mission statement: "We are to help Gods children, believers and non-believers alike, in need, thru active service on our part, Sharing the Gospel of Christ along the way."
Our Motto is simply: "As God gives to us in one hand, we will pass it to those in need with the other."
Click on our Bible Study Link, (in the link bar above), and follow the various studies on End Times, Salvation, Faith, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, Fruits of the Spirit, Parenting, Relationships, and many other studies.
Definition of Critter: Any Creature (Webster American Dictionary)
Please go to our "Contact Us" Link above and sign our guest book, and if you would like to share your testimony with us, please feel free to do so.
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